Wise Path Readers' Team!
Our publisher, Wise Path Books, has formed a 'Reader's Team', and you are invited!
In an effort to make our publications better, they are forming Wise Path Readers. This team will consist of (unpaid) individuals who enjoy reading and reviewing on their books. Members of the team will receive:
-Free pre-publication, proof copies of our books
-Discounts on our published books, including signed copies
-Exclusive access to our authors
-Membership in the Wise Path Readers chat.
Members will be expected to:-Give their honest and constructive feedback on the pre-publication books they receive to the author and publisher; including answering questions as to that feedback.
-Give their honest feedback to review sites once the book is published (for books they enjoyed reading.)
-Help spread the word amongst their friends and family when new books are published that they enjoy.
If that sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, please let us know by emailing readers@wisepathbooks.com and telling us a bit about yourself.Arthur Yeoman's Readers
And for reader's of my books, there is an extra perk. You are also invited to become 'Alpha' or 'Beta' readers of my books.
Alpha Readers are tough skinned. They can handle misspellings, poorly placed commas, and even missing sections of the book. They want to be along for the ride as the book is being written, and help point out problems, and make corrections, and even make suggestions about the book as it flies off the author's pen (or, you know, keyboard). To help develop characters, fill in settings, and increase the tension of the plot.
Beta Readers are more sensitive. They want to read the book when it is pretty much finished, and just wish to be offended by those commas that have slipped by the author, point out inconsistencies in the use of the subjunctive tense, and other stuff like that.
Both are welcome, both are helpful, and we are eager to sign you up.
Again, email readers@wisepathbooks.com and, when you are telling about yourself, mention that you would like to be a bold Alpha or picky Beta reader for Arthur Yeomans! You might want to mention what kind of books, cause I get a bit eclectic.
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