Projects and Progress
Books on the Calendar
Bobtails and the Cousins
The Bobtails and the Cousins
Now that the adoption is final, and the addition complete, the Bobtails invite their cousins to come for a visit to their new home. Of course, life on a dairy farm with Aunt Grace and Mr Thacker is not exactly everyone's cup of tea.
Coming Summer 2023
Without a Word
Her family and all of her friends are convinced that she should be gloriously happy with her rich, titled husband.
Miss Haddassah Pentrose finds herself betrothed to Lord Ambrose, who, rumour tells her, is not at all a good Christian man. She would like nothing more than to remain on her father's estate, running, swimming, reading, and avoiding any serious responsibilities. But marriage is a serious responsiblity and she is determined to treat it as such. With the advice of her maid she battles various temptations with the hope that she might win her husband... without a word.
Coming August 2023
The Bobtails go to France
Aunt Grace learned all of her cheese recipes from her mother-in-law. When her dead husband's aunt dies, she has to go to to France to pick up her inheritance: the families secret cheese recipe and culture. But Mr Thacker decides they should all go.
Coming Christmas 2023
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